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Want to learn how to be a Web 3 product manager? Let’s talk.

In this episode of Ventures, I ( recorded a short monologue that describes why my partners and I at Prota Ventures are gathering a cohort of Web 3 product-managers-in-training to rapidly get up to speed on Web 3 patterns, tools, technologies, and networks. For more information and background listening/reading about the vision and mission of the training, visit

Leveraging science and wearables to improve your health and fitness

In this week's newsletter I talk about this week's podcast episode (a clip from episode 11), continuous glucose monitors, and a fantastic resource for health science education.

Heart disease, fasting, and cholesterol: An introduction to basic lipidology :: with Dave Feldman

In this episode of Ventures, I introduce a clip w/ Dave Feldman ( from Episode 11 where we discuss lipoproteins, fasting, cholesterol, low-carb/high-fat diets, and exercise. With heart disease being the lead cause of death for humans globally, it’s important to understand the basic science behind various aspects of how the disease progresses. Plus, as entrepreneurs we talk a lot about “solving problems'', and it's hard to come up with a more pressing problem than this.

Practical tips for getting up to speed on Web 3

In this newsletter I share reflections from this week's podcast episode with Yannick Folla ( and a quick summary of the show notes.

Training Web 3.0 Product Managers: a conversation with’s Product Lead, Yannick Folla

In this episode of Ventures, I sit down with Yannick Folla ( to discuss an introduction to Web 3 for product managers looking to get quickly up to speed to add value to the Web 3 ecosystem. We discuss practical aspects of how to build with DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, decentralized patterns, specific networks, layer 1 vs. layer 2 technologies, and more. We also take specific product development examples within’s business and use those as teaching opportunities for a broad audience.

Training new Web 3 product managers

In this week's newsletter I talk about Ep64 of the Ventures podcast and a new set of training materials my partners and I are creating.

Training Web 3.0 Product Managers: a brief introduction to Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), and scaling trust :: with Spencer Graham and Tony Little

In this episode of Ventures, we pull a clip from Episode 18 with Spencer Graham ( and Tony Little ( where we talk about Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), and “scaling trust” in the Web 3.0 era. What is urgently needed in the Web 3 community is product managers; i.e. people who can understand how to build great experiences using the applicable Web 3 tools/capabilities/paradigms. These product managers can then build companies of their own, join new companies as co-founders, or consult for existing companies to help usher in a compelling decentralized future for us all.

Why the No-Code/Low-Code revolution is significant

In this week's newsletter I talk about my podcast episode with Josh Haas (Founder of and how No-Code/Low-Code is going to change the web app development paradigm significantly.

The story, No-Code/Low-Code for founders, and changing the web app development paradigm :: with Josh Haas

In this episode of The Ventures Podcast, Josh Haas (co-CEO and founder of -- and I discuss the implications of no-code/low-code in general - and in particular - for founders building new web apps this decade and beyond. After raising a recent $100m round, Josh and the Bubble team have a vision to replace traditional custom web development with their no-code/low-code solution, essentially as a new “language” that promises (and has proven) to save orders of magnitude of time and money for founders building web apps.

Angel Investing 101 for founders to be aware of...and do you know a great COO candidate?

In this week's newsletter I talk about my monologue podcast on angel investing and a need I have for a strong director of operations at Prota Ventures.

Venture capital and angel investing insights for founders: How investors *should* evaluate your team, product, market, traction, and financial model

In this episode of Ventures, I took the liberty to record a short monologue that outlines how I ( and my partners at Prota Ventures ( evaluate early stage venture deals and teach new investors how to conduct basic diligence. I briefly discuss what aspects of your founder team, product experience, market dynamics, traction nuances, and believability of your financial model commonly stand out to investors - for better or worse - when making allocation decisions.

Managing marketing data in a growing startup, and reflections on last week's The Economist cover article

In this newsletter I comment on this week's podcast episode and last week's The Economist cover article: 'The threat from the illiberal left'

Tips for setting up and managing your marketing stack in a new startup :: with Kelly Jo Horton and Sol Cates

In this episode of Ventures, we pull a clip from Episode 37 with Kelly Jo Horton ( and Sol Cates ( to discuss marketing operations in a growing startup. Early founder teams often leave the design, implementation, and maintenance of marketing stacks as an afterthought, which ends up costing the new company a massive amount of time and money. In this episode, Kelly Jo and Sol help us understand why bringing in an expert - or at least someone dedicated to learning from experts and driving the integrated flow of marketing data - is essential to any B2C or B2B company’s growth.

Removing rose-colored glasses for founders, and those on the political far right and far left

In this newsletter I talk about this week's podcast episode, and my brief commentary on the promise of the political center and Web 3.0.

How to validate a market for your startup without being naive :: with Bill Murphy and Sol Cates

In this episode of Ventures, we pull a clip from Episode 33 with Bill Murphy ( and Sol Cates ( to discuss how entrepreneurs should be aware of their rose-colored glasses when approaching a market. It’s not easy to face the brutal facts about what customers need and will pay money for, but the process of asking the right questions and making decisions with an appropriate amount of data is critical.