Heart disease, fasting, and cholesterol: An introduction to basic lipidology :: with Dave Feldman

In this episode of Ventures, I introduce a clip w/ Dave Feldman (https://twitter.com/daveketo/) from Episode 11 where we discuss lipoproteins, fasting, cholesterol, low-carb/high-fat diets, and exercise. With heart disease being the lead cause of death for humans globally, it’s important to understand the basic science behind various aspects of how the disease progresses. Plus, as entrepreneurs we talk a lot about “solving problems'', and it's hard to come up with a more pressing problem than this.
You can watch this episode below or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts (search for “Ventures”).
To view/listen to the full original podcast with Dave, visit: https://satchel.works/@wclittle/ventures-episode-11