Training new Web 3 product managers

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Greetings all,
In this week’s episode of Ventures, we pull a clip from Episode 18 with Spencer Graham ( and Tony Little ( where we talk about Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), and “scaling trust” in the Web 3.0 era. What is urgently needed in the Web 3 community is product managers; i.e. people who can understand how to build great experiences using the applicable Web 3 tools/capabilities/paradigms. These product managers can then build companies of their own, join new companies as co-founders, or consult for existing companies to help usher in a compelling decentralized future for us all.
Why do we need more Web 3.0 product managers?
I had the opportunity to visit New York City for a quick trip last week to visit with the Web 3.0 community (many of whom were in town for Messari’s Mainnet conference). Anecdotally from my conversations, and from a casual glance at the space in general, it seems that there is tremendous focus on training engineers and developing infrastructure, new blockchains, enhanced underlying technologies, etc… but very little focus on making the industry more accessible to everyone else.
I’ve noticed a fresh burst of non-tech, non-blockchain-geek entrepreneurs aiming to get into the Web 3 space (mainly via DeFi and/or NFTs), but they are in dire need for a partner to help them navigate the landscape. They need a trusted resource to help guide them through what is possible, what is coming soon, what is very far away, and how to think deeply from a product perspective how to add value for humanity.
Therefore, I’ve started lining up a series of conversations with the best Web 3.0 subject-matter experts (SMEs) I know to help craft a curriculum and series of training videos to build a cohort of Web 3.0 product managers that can be of maximal assistance to founders/executives out there. Most likely, these new managers will have design/product backgrounds and work to rapidly get up to speed on Web 3 patterns, chains, teams, technologies, networks, and opportunities.
If you would like to help participate in our alpha cohort to learn more, please feel free to reply to this email. I’ll also bring it up again soon in a future newsletter.
Have a great rest of your week!