Topic:   DAOs

Introducing BanyanDAO: Training and supporting Web3 product leaders to promote human flourishing :: with Priya Baveja, Jake Varghese, and Mike Anderson

In this episode of Ventures, my guests Priya Baveja (, Mike Anderson (, Jake Varghese ( and I ( talk about Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) structure, governance, incentives, and participation. We are a subset of founders currently launching BanyanDAO (, which is growing a community of Web3 entrepreneurial leaders to promote human flourishing. Our first training event - to level up Web2 product managers into Web3 - will be in April 2022 (exact dates TBA). For more details and to participate, join us in our Discord server ( and follow us on Twitter (

Unlearning racism, merging DAOs, and thoughts about compensating DAO participants

Will's General Newsletter (Weekly) :: Feb 1, 2022

Startup accounting & finance, DAO & Web3 summary notes, and mental & physical health

Will's General Newsletter (Weekly) :: Jan 25, 2022

Alexandra Sims' PhD Thesis on DAOs: Brief Summary and Reflections

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), enabled in the past decade by blockchain technology to manage transparent treasuries and governance, have considerable promise to accelerate human coordination to accomplish important goals in the coming decade and beyond. New “no code / low code” solutions for creating and maintaining DAOs have facilitated a rapid growth in both interest and experimentation with new DAO structures. I was recently referred to Alexandra Sims’ PhD Thesis on DAOs: Governance, Dispute Resolution and Regulation (, published May 31, 2021), and I was delighted to read it over the holidays. While I won’t pretend to fully represent the work presented by Dr. Sims (and instead refer you to the PDF linked above), in this article I will attempt to share a brief summary of its content and my own personal reflections.

DAOs: Logistics, Definitions, Reflections, and - yes - their NFTs

Will's General Newsletter (Weekly) :: Jan 18, 2022

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) operations and logistics on DAOHaus :: with Alex Zub and Spencer Graham

In this episode of Ventures, my guests Alex Zub (, Spencer Graham (, and I talk about the details of day-to-day “DAO life” on DAOHaus ( We talk specifically about how Raid Guild ( - a services DAO - manages proposals, escrow, billing, and bridges to the traditional finance system. We also talk about short-term and long-term financial incentives for DAO founders/participants, how DAOs can quickly raise funds and manage risk/assurance/trust, and how newcomers to DAOs can/should think about how to participate to create maximum value for themselves and their communities.

Leadership in DAOs vs. traditional startups. Plus, DeFi & better Web3 critique

Will's General Newsletter (Weekly) :: Jan 11, 2022

Leadership, trust, and identity considerations when starting a DAO vs. a traditional startup :: with Liz Sweigart, PhD

In this episode of Ventures, my guest Liz Sweigart (, PhD in Organizational Leadership) and I discuss the differences between a DAO and a traditional startup in terms of starting, organizing, and leading. We talk about trust vs. relating, identity considerations in DAO communities, positive vs. exploitative transactions of value, and qualitative vs. quantitative measurement of success. If you would like to join us as we explore starting a DAO together, check out and our Discord server (

NFTs, DAOs, and reflections from the holiday break

Will's General Newsletter (Weekly) :: Jan 4, 2022

How (and why) to create NFTs and participate in DAOs

In this episode of Ventures, I ( | wclittle.eth) recorded a monologue about my perspectives on “why” Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) matter. I also talk practically about how you can create NFTs on and other NFT marketplaces, and how to participate in DAOs.

Who owns Web 3.0? Responding to critics // and the promise of DAOs & NFTs

In this episode of Ventures, I ( recorded a ~10min monologue about my own reflections on recent tweets from Jack Dorsey ( and Elon Musk (, which Jack then responded to). The basic criticism is that “Web 3.0” is essentially owned and pumped by venture capitalists (VCs) and that no real noticeable value has yet been created for humanity. I begin my reflections by talking about self-sovereign identity and decentralized finance, and then talk about the promise of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). A future where individuals can own, govern, and have autonomy over their own value-creation, DAOs that promote social causes, and DAOs that fuel a new generation of venture building….this is a future that I can get behind and support. Yes, VCs will make money, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the vision they are helping to create is a bad thing.

Underrepresented perspectives in media // Plus: Tokens, NFTs, and - yes - DAO updates

Will's General Newsletter (Weekly): Dec 14, 2021

Metaverses, DLTs, and DAOs

Will's General Newsletter (Weekly): Dec 7, 2021

Starting a DAO (Part 2): Finalizing the initial setup, operations, and membership

👋 // In Part 1 of this series, I introduced the background, vision, motivation, and initial steps taken to start a DAO focused on training Web 3 product managers. Here, I’ll give a shorter update on the steps we’ve taken in the past week to move things forward. Overall, the goal of this series is to catalog our process of forming a DAO as a way to help future students/founders form DAOs of their own.

It's time to learn a LOT more about DAOs: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Will's General Newsletter (Weekly): Nov 30, 2021