Topic:   CAVU Leadership Series Quarterly Newsletter

We want to invest in your leadership and your organizational growth. Each quarter, we intend to take just a little bit of your time to encourage, equip and exhort you to be the best leader and person you can be!

We have tools for daily growth with our daily inspirational quote, weekly 66 seconds with Shandel to help you with your communication, bi-weekly podcast to deliver foundational stones of leadership to you on the run, monthly blogs to equip you with knowledge, and of course the decade old quarterly newsletter.  Please subscribe on our subscribe site to gain access to how much or little you desire. Find even more at

4 Ways to Empower Others to Shine

Discover how to keep your talented employees engaged and inspired to grow with you. The 5 Drivers of Great Leaders culminates in the essential skill to empower your people to greatness.

2022 Vision Focused Leadership - 4th Qtr Newsletter

There is so much change and uncertainty happening, it is invaluable when a leader can keep the priorities up to date, clear, and communicated. We want to equip you with a Goal Setting Tool for 2022 along with the 4th driver of all great leaders. Happy NEW year! We are ready for a new start to a new year, how about you?

EXTENDED TRUST - Q2 Newsletter - Keeping Good Talent is a Matter of Trust

How well are you leading as Q2 draws to an end? Recent research reveals 26-40% of employees are ready to leave their current position. Talent is hard to find, how can we employ the 2nd Driver of Great Leaders to tackle this issue?

The 5 Drivers of Leadership

Every leader has the honor to serve those they lead. So what makes a great leader? We discuss in this edition the 5 drivers of leadership that just happen to fit neatly in the acronym S.E.R.V.E.