2022 Vision Focused Leadership - 4th Qtr Newsletter
Vision Focused is the 4th of the 5 Drivers of Great Leaders. In 2021, we have been exploring the top essentials every leader must possess to be an effective leader. A strong clear vision is paramount to the success of any organization, especially during these tumultuous times and as we move forward into this dynamic era of 2022 with all its possibilities.
As a leader, first, you must ensure you have CLARITY on your Purpose, Core Values, Mission, & Vision,(PVMV). Then as the leader, you must get buy-in, everyone in the organization must agree and align with the PVMV. Now, you have the incredible honor of cultivating, developing, and inspiring, a culture that embodies the vision you dreamed the company could be. Getting total buy-in from the people and taking full ownership of the vision is the #1 Key Accountability of any leader. It is a never-ending journey and one to be taken seriously.
Once you have CLARITY the continual responsibility of the leader is to focus on what matters most and keep the people focused and reminded. Patrick Lencioni says every CEO’s job is really the CRO, the Chief Reminding Officer, and I concur. As leaders, we are often looking into the future as our compelling vision drives us onward. However, we often fail to communicate vital details to keep our people as inspired as we are. At Shandel Group, we believe that preaching the Vision is as essential to any CEO as breathing. SO think AIRR as part of your daily, if not your hourly, job description.
- Align - Ensure every person in the organization is in tune and supports the PVMV
- Inspire - Positively reinforce and talk about the progress being made toward the vision.
- Remind - Use the PVMV to correct behavior and resolve conflict.
- Repeat! - Often, over and over, when you think you are over-communicating - you have only just begun.
Being a Vision-Focused Leader is about keeping the main thing, the main thing. Meaning you first prioritize people, then you prioritize understanding the priorities, and next prioritize the way for people to reach their peak performance. There is so much change and uncertainty happening, it is invaluable when a leader can keep the priorities up to date, clear, and communicated. Do not give in to fear by operating in a crisis mode, stay proactive rather than reactive. Forward-thinking and good planning will save you time, money, and sleepless nights.
Yes, we need to be agile and nimble to adjust to the present moment, but with a clear vision, we can make careful tactical adjustments that get us closer to where we want to be in the long run. Trade your anxiety and worry for an exciting vision and clear communicated priorities.
Think about the last time you had to drive in fog. Having clarity in your VISION is like driving down the freeway at 80 MPH with blue skies and sunny weather. Losing sight of the PVMV (notably, vision), getting sidetracked by crisis, mired down by worry, and pulled in different directions; feels like the slow, stressful drive through thick dense fog on a busy freeway. IT’S NO FUN! Compared to the speed, ease, and comfort of clear skies! When we LEAD with CLARITY we enjoy our calling and our purpose, it is not easy, but it is purposeful and exhilarating.
It is now your turn to take action. Do you need to get clear on your personal 2022 vision? Do you need your team aligned? Is your first step understanding your organization’s health as you head into 2022? What is one thing you can do before midnight tonight to take action?
Need help getting started? Let us help, we love this time of year! Here are a few ideas to get you started thinking of how to invest in your 2022 vision
- Check out our FREE 2022 goal setting tool at: https://www.shandelgroup.com/goals
- For you crafty folks, make a vision board by cutting out inspirational pictures, quotes and words to glue on an 8 X11 piece of paper.
- Short on time? Come up with your ONE word for 2022 and visualize what that means for you. List 22 things you are grateful for and see what pops up.
- Schedule a virtual 1-2 hour session for you and your team on how to get work done faster, with more enjoyment in 2022 using the team’s WORKING GENIUS. Shandel got certified this summer and already the ROI of this 7-minute assessment has brought clarity to so many teams, joy back to meetings, and clarity to executives on delegating and utilizing their team members.
- Perhaps your virtual team could use a new year’s communication and team skills refresher? Our Clarity Plus report* and team debrief might just do the trick.
- Ask each team member to list one strength and one weakness to work on in 2022. Hint: Leader always goes first.
- Organizational Health Diagnostic is an easy way to jump-start 2022. Think of your personal annual physical exam and now imagine your leadership team sitting down for a 90-minute check-up on the health of the people, priorities, and performance of the organization. Take a few more moments to debate and define, BAM you’ve reinvigorated your focused plan for the year.
- How about a 2022 positive energy boost for the whole virtual team with an all-company or perhaps an individual team participating in the 5 Drivers of Great Leaders workshop or other great Shandel Group workshops?
- Quickstep, send an encouraging email to everyone in the organization reminding them of the vision you have for 2022. THINK AIRR.
Enjoy the process of creating your vision! Happy 2022, we are glad you are with us.
Be the Best You Can Be Today!
Your Coach,
* Clarity Plus Report is the new name for the DISC, Driving Forces, and Emotional Intelligence assessment we have been using for years.
**Clarity report is the TTI Talent Insight Report (no EQ) but full of good stuff!! We have tons of tools to help! Invest in a loved one and purchase a Clarity Report package as a gift that will impact their 2022!
The Sutherlands have moved to Reno, Nevada to be closer to our families and we are loving the snow that is dumping in the Sierras. Scott retired from dentistry and never looked back! Instead, he has become an incredible asset to the team in so many ways. First of all, he is the mastermind behind writing the 66 Seconds for Shandel Group and doing our Clarity Report, and personal debriefs, to drive individual understanding of the DISC and DRIVING FORCES to the next level. He is the host of our two podcasts (that we will get up and running again in February) called LEAD with CLARITY and MAMA Shawnee’s BedTime Stories (the stories started for our chosen grandbabies to go to sleep, but they’re for all kiddos!) We traveled to our clients via six road trips this year, the final one included a short stopover to celebrate our 7th year wedding anniversary - WOW that went fast!
We have so many dreams of expanding our sphere of influence to help more executives, raise up more leaders in fast-growing companies, coach clarity, measure health for organizations and help more people find their purpose. With so many virtual teams across the nation, our ability to drive connections via Zoom has allowed us to use our gifts with so many new people. 2021 has been an adventure, and wonderful. 2022 is going to bring more resources to help the masses, I can’t wait!
Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of our DAILY quotes. If you are not a subscriber, sign up today and start your new year with a daily dose of inspiration. Subscribe here. Please send us your favorite quote and we’ll add it to our list.
Next month, we will be certifying more in-house HR and company trainers on DISC, Driving Forces, and EQ in our Science of Self certification labs. Reply if you want more information.
As most of you know, through our non-profit organization, J FACTOR KIDS we were able to do some incredible helpful work with and for the victims of the DIXIE FIRE in Shandel’s hometown, Quincy, CA.
In 2022, we have dreams for helping kids from hard places and single parents to train up the next generation of leaders. If you are looking for an end-of-year donation to an incredible cause, we would welcome your support.
We look forward to more communication and life-giving tools for you in the new year! Skip the resolutions, and instead, let’s set some goals and get after it!
Happy New Year,
Shandel and Scott