A call to action for Web3 entrepreneurs

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Greetings all,
In this week’s episode of Ventures, I (https://www.linkedin.com/in/wclittle/) share a short monologue about Web3, product management, and leadership in Web3 startups, especially in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). I talk briefly about the history of Web1/2/3, Balaji Srinivasan’s book The Network State, a call-to-action for Web3 product managers and leaders, and how to distribute key CEO-like responsibilities in DAOs.
Check it out: Web3 product management and decentralized executive leadership: A call to action
Let’s build
As I mentioned toward the end of the episode today, I’m looking to set up a couple teams to build Web 2.5/3 products, in collaboration with our new incubator. I’m looking for software engineers, designers, and product managers interested in joining a DAO to bring these products to life.
Obviously there’s an underlying thesis here that the tokens received as compensation will be one day worth enough to purchase things (like food, paying rent, etc…). I’ve been thinking a ton this past year about how to work with DAOs (e.g. our work with BanyanDAO) as a mechanism to bring both clarity of compensation and distributed leadership to build real products/services.
For example, drafting off of our Web3 Training Day with BanyanDAO, there is still a need for a Web3 product manager training service. With the right team behind this, we could easily form a DAO with a mission to produce content and conduct training courses (purchased and certified via NFTs, of course).
I also have SaaS products in mind that can have Web3 components to them. However, there is never enough time in a day. I have my own company to run (i.e. Prota Ventures) and therefore need to recruit teams who are interested in co-founding and running with product ideas that we collectively believe need to exist in the world.
Hit me up and let’s chat.
Have a great rest of your week!