Fall updates: Prota Ventures, AI Layer, Impact Stream, and REST

In this episode of Ventures, I (https://linkedin.com/in/wclittle) walk through a number of updates with my for-profit and nonprofit venture work. I talk about Prota Ventures, our second fund, how we get operationally involved in our portfolio companies, and who we serve. As an example, I discuss my involvement with AI Layer, which is a new company providing AI inference computing services that leverages an upcoming Web3 protocol that will be decentralized and widely available next year. Finally, I talk about updates - and my volunteering involvement - with Impact Stream and Real Escape from the Sex Trade (REST).
You can watch this episode below or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts (search for “Ventures”).
0:30 - quick overview of Will’s bio and current activities - check out https://www.protaventures.com
1:15 - More about how Prota Ventures services Founders, Investors, and Talent.
2:00 - Investing multiple forms of capital (not just financial capital)
2:40 - More about AI Layer - decentralized compute for AI inference
3:45 - West Africa work - Impact Stream updates http://impact.stream - local people solving local problems
4:35 - Beyond the standard development work, more about the well-drilling business
5:15 - More specifically about Impact Stream’s vision of connecting digital communities to IRL impact. Quadratic Voting mechanism. Local projects and funding pool on-chain.
6:36 - More about Real Escape from the Sex Trade (REST) see more from Episode 2 → https://satchel.works/@wclittle/ventures-episode-3