Learn Web2 & Web3 product management and software development: A call-to-action

In this episode of Ventures, I (https://www.linkedin.com/in/wclittle/) record a short screencast walking through initial thoughts about how to teach both Web2 and Web3 software development and product management and design. I talk about how I’ll be pointing students to resources along the way rather than building tutorials myself, and instead act as a curator and opinionated guide for how to best learn product/software development in today’s rapidly evolving environment. I’d encourage you to join us at BanyanDAO to follow along → https://www.banyandao.xyz/. Feel free to join our Discord server → https://discord.gg/95JRuPaTP8
You can watch this episode below or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts (search for “Ventures”).
0:06 - Intro
1:20 - Outline of what we’ll cover this coming year
3:20 - Example tutorial of the basics of computer science
3:45 - Programs/languages
4:00 - The difference between a compiled and interpreted programming language
5:32 - Ruby / Database / Redis / Puma
5:56 - Ruby on Rails walk-through
Feel free to email me at will@wclittle.com or find me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/wclittle) or LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/wclittle/).