Our digital-avatar-LLM-trained clones walking around metaverses making money

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Greetings all,
In this week’s episode of Ventures, I (https://twitter.com/wclittle) walk through recent updates about the Ceramic Network, specifically the launch of their ComposeDB product (https://ceramic.network/composedb) and why Web3 product managers should know about it. Ceramic is a great example - especially for learning purposes - of the type of Web3 organization that offers tools for entrepreneurs and builders to create valuable products for the world. At the end of this episode I also introduce JavaScript into our code series and where to learn more about it.
Check it out: Product: How to build in Web3 with Ceramic & ComposeDB. Code: Introducing JavaScript
Our digital selves making money while we sleep
I just got done speaking on an Internet of Places panel and we kicked around the idea of having personal LLM-trained avatars walking around metaverses for us. People could ask us questions, talk to us, etc..
I do wonder if this may be a mechanism to make money, where you could deploy thousands of your “digital twins” to explore metaverses and be helpful to people, do tasks for them, etc…
The spam implications might be enormous, but if we - as a virtual society - could get around that problem, the opportunities here are endless.
I just got back from ETH Denver. A repeated theme (of many) was the idea that new markets are being created all the time. We can’t even imagine right now what sorts of things we’ll need and what we’ll buy/create in the future.
Keeping up is hard.
I had a similar feeling walking around ETH Denver as I did at CES this year. The number of people to meet and ventures/ideas to consume and ponder is endless. So many exciting “shiny objects” to chase after, it makes one wonder how to choose to spend one’s time.
Well, what I’m coming to terms with is that it’s impossible to keep up. Most people are playing the same status & money games that are fraught with scams/rugs/dilutions that make it difficult to be confident in priorities. This is why I stick to the heuristic: “How does this help people flourish IRL”? This is what I walked around the halls of ETH Denver to find, and - thankfully - I found some like-minded folks and projects.
I’m excited to tell you more about them soon. In the meantime, if I can figure out how to create digital avatars that help other people make money in a way that is genuinely helpful for humanity - and I can make a basic living doing that - then that sounds compelling.
Have a great rest of your week!