Course update Dec 13, 2020: Learning to code (plus, office hours / class session **this Thursday** Dec 17)
Hello Students!
I recorded a quick intro video this morning that I put at the front of the course along with a table of contents.
I've had a number of questions come up around how the course works, how/when to participate, etc... and I'll try to summarize the Q&A here:
When does the class begin?
You can start right away here. I have the new intro video in place along with the videos that were already up for setting up a Mac and Windows environment.
I am currently looking at either 10am or 3pm Pacific Standard Time this coming Thursday (Dec 17) for our next recorded office hours / class session over Zoom. Space is limited. Be prepared to record yourself and/or your screen. Please let me know ( if you'd like to attend and have a preference for one slot or another. I'll do my best to accommodate as many people as possible. Ideally we'll cover the content in this first part of the "Hello World" section, but if you need help with your environment setup we can discuss that as well.
How do I best get help if I can't attend class / office hours?
Ideally, if you can send me a Loom video (screencast) or a YouTube video of your question to share with the rest of class (and future students), that would be great. Or you can send an audio clip, a question in the comments, a question in the applicable GitHub commit here, or email me directly (
Is this course free?
The course is free for those helping me test out the material throughout the rest of 2020 here and into 2021 by attending classes and office hours real-time to ask questions. I will soon have a paywall up to access the videos and more in-depth content for past classes/sections, but if you can keep up with this initial “alpha cohort” then it will be free for you.
What if I’ve never written any code before?
Since this course is intentionally fast-paced, it will help tremendously if you have at least some familiarity with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and/or Ruby. Use the links in the previous sentence to do some homework if you have time, and I will also link to them throughout the course.
Thanks! Have fun diving in!
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