A PhD thesis on DAOs, and weekly office hours on Twitter Spaces (Thursdays @ 3pm PT)
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Greetings all,
In this week’s episode of Ventures, my guest Dr. Alexandra Sims and I talk about various academic and practical operational nuances of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Alex wrote her PhD thesis last year on DAOs, and in this episode we talk about the various types of DAOs, jurisdiction issues, voting and governance mechanisms, and advice for new on-chain organizations forming today to learn lessons from previous DAOs and traditional decentralized organizations that existed long before blockchains.
Check it out: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Voting, governance, and lessons from history :: with Dr. Alexandra Sims
Weekly office hours on Twitter Spaces - Thursdays @ 3pm PT
Set your calendars for 3pm Pacific USA Time (you can also set a reminder on Twitter here) to stop in and listen / say hi on Twitter Spaces. In collaboration with BanyanDAO (@BanyanDAO on Twitter), I (@wclittle on Twitter) will be hosting office hours to talk about all-things Web3 and venture building/investing, potentially with some health science topics mixed in and whatever else folks want to talk about.
For the past 4-5 months or so I’ve been hanging out in various Twitter Spaces across mostly Web3 topics (but also some informative/insightful ones on Ukraine). In general, the basic UX (which I think is essentially a direct clone of Clubhouse), is pretty great. It’s essentially a live podcast where the hosts can call people up “on stage” to speak.
I’m looking forward to hopefully having you join us then!
Have a great rest of your week,